Welcome To Morman Central



Since we are a TRAVELING family, I'll try to keep track
of who's going to go or be where at any given time if you will
all keep me informed!

I've deleted all the old notes, but I do have them on back up if anyone wants a look.
Please keep in touch with mem to have your new information posted.

Messages listed newest-oldest!


Diana's Book Give Away in Reno, Nevada, 10-14 August 2011

Juanita, David, Michael, and Mary - with lots of help from Wayne and Jackson - attended the World Science Fiction Convention in Reno last August to give away 40 boxes of books and fanzines from Diana's collection. We had a few rabid fans who seemed to want to grab EVERYTHING, but most were both pleasant and appreciative. A few older fans remembered Diana, chiefly from the worldcon in Heidelburg in 1970. Many people asked us to share memories of her. It was a wonderful weekend, and we sibs had a good time together.